Avr Studio Serial Communication Library
Using Maxim DS1. 30. Real Time Clock with Atmel AVR Microcontroller. Building our own digital clock is one of the dreamed project by most of the hobbyist or anyone that want to learn or involve seriously in the embedded system world the ability to integrate time, day and date to the embedded system is one of the important knowledge that should be known by any embedded system designer. Todays technology makes life easier as all these capabilities has already built nicely inside the Maxim Dallas DS1. Real Time Clock RTC chip. The DS1. 30. 7 is capable to count accurately the second, minute, hour, day of the week, date of the month, month and year include the leap year until the year 2. I2. C read as I squared C, Inter Integrated Circuit interface capabilities make this chip easily to be integrated with widely available microcontroller that has build in I2. C peripheral such as Atmel AVR Mega families or Microchip PIC1. In this project we will learn to use the Maxim DS1. News in Weblog format, links, forum, tutorials, articles, specifications devices, tools, projects, vendors. Some areas need registration. RTC and Atmel AVR ATMega. Using 21. 6 LCD Hitachi HD4. U to display the digital clock. Displaying days of week, day of month, month and year. Avr Studio Serial Communication Library' title='Avr Studio Serial Communication Library' />Displaying hour 2. Displaying current rooms temperature in centigrade format. Setup the clock using the UART Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit to communicate with the Windowss Hyper. CodeVisionAVR Standard. High Performance ANSI C Compiler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers by XGraph. A complete starter kit and development system for the 8bit and 32bit AVR microcontrollers that gives designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR, with. Terminal application. In order to achieve this goal we will use many of the AVR ATMega. ATMega. 16. 8 microcontroller sophisticated peripherals at the same time. AS6_MultiSketch_MicroExplorer_Serial_Upload.png' alt='Avr Studio Serial Communication Library' title='Avr Studio Serial Communication Library' />I would suggest you could read my previous blogs to understand the basic of how to use the LCD, ADC, PWM, I2. C and UART Atmel AVR peripherals, before you continue with this tutorial Using 21. LCD AVR LCD Thermometer Using ADC and PWM Project. UART Communication Working with AVR microcontroller Communication Port Project. I2. C or TWI Two Wire Interface How to use I2. C bus on the Atmel AVR Microcontroller. The following is the list of hardware and software used in this project AVRJazz Mega. AVR ATmega. 16. 8 microcontroller board schema. Jazz. Mate DS1. 30. Real Time Clock board from ermicro. Jazz. Mate 2. 57. LCD hardware one 21. LCD Hitachi HD4. U, one 1. K trimport, one TIP1. K7 resistor. Win. AVR for the GNUs C compiler. Atmel AVR Studio 4 for the coding and debugging environment. STK5. 00 programmer from AVR Studio 4, using the AVRJazz Mega. STK5. 00 v. 2. 0 bootloader facility. The AVR ATMega. 16. I2. Cs master whiles the DS1. RTC is used as the I2. C slave that provide accurate date and time function. The TIMER0 peripheral inside ATMega. DS1. 30. 7 RTC register every 1 second and display the value to the 21. LCD. The build in national semiconductor LM3. DZ precision centigrade temperature sensor on the AVRJazz Mega. C output to the microcontrollers ADC Analog to Digital input port PC1. The 21. 6 LCD display is operated in 4 bits data mode and connected to the ATMega. Hey folks Lets continue with our tutorials on Serial Communication. Until now, we have seen a general introduction to serial communication, followed by a tutorial on. Atmel Studio 7 is the integrated development platform IDP for developing and debugging Atmel SMART ARMbased and Atmel AVR microcontroller MCU applications. Blog Entry Using Maxim DS1307 Real Time Clock with Atmel AVR Microcontroller May 11, 2009 by rwb, under Microcontroller. Building our own digital clock is one of the. Studio 7 is the integrated development platform IDP for developing and debugging all AVR and SAM microcontroller applications. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a. Tutorial Class Title MPLAB Harmony v2. Graphics Library Training Creating Advanced Applications using MPLAB Harmony Creating Simple Applications using. PORTD PD2, PD3, PD4, PD5, PD6 and PD7 the LCD backlight is controlled by the ATMega. TIMER2 PWM Pulse Width Modulation port PB3 through the Darlington transistor TIP1. The PWM is used to dimming the LCD backlight while our digital clock is in the setup mode entering digital clock setup mode could be done by pressing the build in user button switch attached to the PORTB PB0. The last is the ATMega. UART peripheral is used to setup our digital clock using the AVRJazz Mega. RS3. 23 voltage level converter we could connect the RS2. COM port directly to the computer COM port or you could use the USB to RS2. I did and use the MS Windows Hyper. Terminal program to enter our digital clock setup. Ok thats a brief explanation of the digital clock project circuit that we are going to walk through now lets take a look at the C code that makes this happen. File Name avrclock. Version 1. 0. Description DS1. RTC AVR Microcontroller Clock. Author RWB. Target AVRJazz Mega. Board. Compiler AVR GCC 4. Win. AVR 2. 00. 80. IDE Atmel AVR Studio 4. Programmer AVRJazz Mega. STK5. 00 v. 2. 0 Bootloader. AVR Visual Studio 4. STK5. 00 programmer. Last Updated 2. April 2. BAUDRATE 1. 92. 00define MAXTRIES 5. DS1. 30. 7ID 0x. D0 I2. C DS1. Device Identifier. DS1. 30. 7ADDR 0x. I2. C DS1. 30. 7 Device Addressdefine I2. CSTART 0. define I2. CDATA 1. define I2. CDATAACK 2. define I2. CSTOP 3. define NACK 0define LCDHOME 0x. LCDNEXTLINE 0x. C0. LCDCLEAR 0x. LCD1. CYCLE 0. define LCD2. CYCLE 1 DS1. 30. Register Address. Second ds. 13. 07addr0. Minute ds. 13. 07addr1. Hour ds. 13. 07addr2. Day ds. 13. 07addr3. Date ds. 13. 07addr4. Month ds. 13. 07addr5. Year ds. 13. 07addr6define HOUR2. HOUR1. 2 1char ds. Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thr,Fri,Sat. Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec. UBRR0. H FCPUBAUDRATE1. UBRR0. L FCPUBAUDRATE1. UCSR0. B 1lt lt RXEN01lt lt TXEN0 enable Rx Tx. UCSR0. C 1lt lt UCSZ0. UCSZ0. 0 config USART 8. N1. int uartputchchar ch,FILE tream. UCSR0. A 1lt lt UDRE0. UDR0ch return 0. FILE tream. UCSR0. A 1lt lt RXC0. Echo the Output Back to terminal. ANSI clear screen clEHEJ. H. putchar. J. void ansimevoid. ANSI turn off all attribute meE0m. ANSI cursor movement clErow col. H. putchar. printfd,row. H. void LCDputchunsigned char data. LCD Upper 4 bits data DB7,DB6,DB5,DB4. PORTD 1lt lt PD31lt lt PD2data 0x. F0 RS 1, E 1 E0 write data. PORTD 1lt lt PD3. LCD Lower 4 bits data DB3,DB2,DB1,DB0. PORTD 1lt lt PD31lt lt PD2data 0x. F lt lt 4 RS 1, E 1. E0 write data. PORTD 1lt lt PD3. Wait for busy flag BF. LCDputcmdunsigned char data,unsigned char cmdtype. LCD Upper 4 bits data DB7,DB6,DB5,DB4. PORTD 1lt lt PD3data 0x. F0 RS 0, E 1 E0 write data. PORTD 1lt lt PD3. One cycle write, cmdtype 1 Two cycle writes. LCD Lower 4 bits data DB3,DB2,DB1,DB0. PORTD 1lt lt PD3data 0x. F lt lt 4 RS 0, E 1. E0 write data. PORTD 1lt lt PD3. Wait for busy flag BF. Wait for more than 1. VCC rises to 4. 5 V. Send Command 0x. 30. LCDputcmd0x. 30,LCD1. CYCLE Wait for more than 4. Send Command 0x. 30. LCDputcmd0x. 30,LCD1. CYCLE Wait for more than 1. Send Command 0x. 30. The Great Ideas A Lexicon Of Western Thought Pdf. LCDputcmd0x. 30,LCD1. CYCLE Function set Set interface to be 4 bits long only 1 cycle write. LCDputcmd0x. 20,LCD1. CYCLE Function set DL0 Interface is 4 bits, N1 2 Lines, F0 5x. LCDputcmd0x. 28,LCD2. CYCLE Display Off D0 Display off, C0 Cursor Off, B0 Blinking Off. LCDputcmd0x. 08,LCD2. CYCLE Display Clear. LCDputcmd0x. 01,LCD2. CYCLE Entry Mode Set ID1 Increment, S0 No shift. LCDputcmd0x. 06,LCD2. CYCLE. void LCDputschar. While not Null. if n. LCDputcmdLCDNEXTLINE,LCD2. CYCLE Goto Second Line. LCDputch. START I2. C Routine. unsigned char i. I2. CSTART Send Start Condition. TWCR 1 lt lt TWINT 1 lt lt TWSTA 1 lt lt TWEN. I2. CDATA Send Data with No Acknowledge. TWCR 1 lt lt TWINT 1 lt lt TWEN.