The Great Ideas A Lexicon Of Western Thought Pdf
Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. Motorola E8 Firmware. The term ethics. Many moons ago, one of the sharpest copywriters in the world wanted to drum up business for his ad agency. What did he do He created a massive, twopage advertising. Good Advertising Headlines by Victor SchwabMany moons ago, one of the sharpest copywriters in the world wanted to drum up business for his ad agency. What did he do He created a massive, two page advertising spread of 1. In the Nov. 25 SN Charting lumpy space, Bronze Age movers and shakers, T. Great Pyramid hides a void, mosses. Science played an important role in Enlightenment discourse and thought. Many Enlightenment writers and thinkers had backgrounds in the sciences and associated. Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms published by the World Health Organization. Spanish pdf, 1. 86Mb absolute alcohol Ethanol containing not more than 1 by mass of water. Contrast allegory with fable, parable, and symbolism, below, or click here to download a PDF. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. William Adams is a European explorer and straightforward intellectual. Rooted in the West, he temporarily leaves home for more exotic excursions. The Texas National Security Review launches today. What do you need to know about this ambitious project aimed at changing the way we generate policyrelevant and. Online download science of being in twenty seven lessons Science Of Being In Twenty Seven Lessons Interestingly, science of being in twenty seven lessons that you. The copywriter was Victor Schwab and the timeless compilation of headlines and thumbnail analyses he put together are a must for anyone serious about creating great headlines. Its worth reading theses headlines in their original layout, so after youve scanned the scrumptious headlines below, you can print out the ad to keep on your desk for quick reference. Good Advertising Headlines1 megabyte PDF This is a 3,0. PDF Reader. 1. THE SECRET OF MAKING PEOPLE LIKE YOUAlmost 5. It drew many hundreds of thousands of readers into the body matter of a people mover advertisement one which, by itself, built a big business. Pretty irresistible, isnt it A LITTLE MISTAKE THAT COST A FARMER 3,0. A YEARA sizable appropriation was spent successfully in farm magazines on this ad. Sometimes the negative idea of offsetting, reducing, or eliminating the risk of loss is even more attractive to the reader than the prospect of gain. As the great business executive Chauncey Depew once said, I would not stay up all of one night to make 1. I would stay up all of seven nights to keep from losing it. As Walter Norvath says in Six Successful Selling Techniques, People will fight much harder to avoid losing something they already own than to gain something of greater value that they do not own. It is also true that they have the feeling that losses and waste can often be more easily retrieved than new profits can be gained. What farmer could pass up reading the copy under such a headline to find out What was the mistake Why was it little Am I making it If it cost a farmer a loss of 3,0. Perhaps the copy will also tell me about other mistakes I might be making. ADVICE TO WIVES WHOSE HUSBANDS DONT SAVE MONEY BY A WIFEThe headline strength of the word advice has often been proven. Most people want it, regardless of whether or not they follow it. And the particular ailment referred to is common enough to interest a lot of readers. The it happened to me tag line, by a wife, increases the desire to read the copy. This ad far outpulled the advertisers previous best ad, Get Rid of Money Worries. THE CHILD WHO WON THE HEARTS OF ALLThis was a key result ad which proved spectacularly profitable. It appeared in womens magazines. The emotional type copy described and the photograph portrayed the kind of little girl any parent would want their daughter to be. Laughing, rollicking, running forward with arms outstretched, right out of the ad and into the arms and heart of the reader. ARE YOU EVER TONGUE TIED AT A PARTY Pinpoints the myriads of self conscious, inferiority complexed wallflowers. Thats me I want to read this ad maybe it tells me exactly what to do about it. As you go along, you will notice how many of these headlines are interrogative ones. They ask a question to which people want to read the answer. They excite curiosity and interest in the body matter which follows. They hit home cut through verbose indirectness. The best ones are challenges, which are difficult to ignore, cannot be dismissed with a quick no or yes and without further reading, are pertinent and relevant to the reader. Note how many of the ones included here measure up to these specifications. HOW A NEW DISCOVERY MADE A PLAIN GIRL BEAUTIFULWide appeal there are more plain girls than beautiful ones and just about all of them want to be better looking. HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLEThis helped to sell millions of copies of the book of the same title. Strong basic appeal we will all want to do it. But without the words how to the headline would become simply a trite wall motto. THE LAST 2 HOURS ARE THE LONGEST AND THOSE ARE THE 2 HOURS YOU SAVEAn airline ad featured a faster jet powered flight. Headline is a bulls eye for air experienced travelers who know what those last two interminable hours can do to their nerves and patience. Like many fine headlines, it doubtless came right out of the personal experience of its writer. This headline and all the others discussed here would have been good even if it had not been supported by any picture at all. But its effect was heightened by a photo of a wristwatch with the hour marks indicating 1 to 1. WHO ELSE WANTS A SCREEN STAR FIGUREWho doesnt Except men and this successful and much fun ad is not addressed to them. Who else also has a get on the bandwagon connotation not Can it be done but Who else wants to have it1. DO YOU MAKE THESE MISTAKES IN ENGLISH A direct challenge. Now read the headline back, eliminating the vital word these. This word is the hook that almost forces you into the copy. What are these particular mistakesDo I make them Also notice as with many of the other headline reviewed that this one promised to provide helpful personal information in its own context, not merely advertising talk. The attraction of the Specific In this first breather let us stop to impress upon your mind how significant a part the specific plays in so many good headlines. It appears in many of our first ten. And it will appear in a surprising number of the next ninety. You will see how magnetically it helps to draw the reader into the body matter of an advertisement. So notice, as you continue reading, how many of these headlines contain specific words or phrases that make the ad promise to tell you How, Heres, These, Which of these, Who Else, Where, When, What, Why. Also, note frequently exact amounts are used number of days, evenings, hours, minutes, dollars, ways, types of. This attraction of the specific is worth your special attention not only as relating to words and phrases, but also concerning headline ideas themselves. For example, compare the appeal of Well Help You Make More Money with Well Help You Pay the Rent. The Sex Food So Potent Priests Were Forbidden To Eat It1. WHY SOME FOODS EXPLODE IN YOUR STOMACHA provocative why headline. Based upon the completely understandable fact that some food combinations virtually explode in the stomach. Broad appeal. Relevant picture of chemical retort shaped like a stomach, starting to explode. HANDS THAT LOOK LOVELIER IN 2. HOURS OR YOUR MONEY BACKUniversal appeal to women. Result guaranteed Or Your Money Back. YOU CAN LAUGH AT MONEY WORRIES IF YOU FOLLOW THIS SIMPLE PLAN Something everybody wants to be able to do. A successful keyed ad upon which many thousands have been spent. WHY SOME PEOPLE ALMOST ALWAYS MAKE MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKETA profitable check results ad selling a book written by a partner in a well known and highly regarded brokerage house. Important key words some and almost which make the headline credible. WHEN DOCTORS FEEL ROTTEN THIS IS WHAT THEY DO Whats the secret of the success of this well known ad First the suggestion of a paradox. We seldom think of doctors as being in poor health themselves. And when they are, what they do about it is information right from the horses mouth carries a note of authority and greater assurance of reward for reading the ad. Note the positive promise of reward in This Is What They Do. Also, the use of the unabashed colloquialism feel rotten gets attention, sounds human, natural. Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms published by the World Health Organization Ethanol containing not more than 1 by mass of water. See also alcohol. Refraining from drug use or particularly from drinking alcoholic beverages, whether as a matter of principle or for other reasons. Those who practise abstinence from alcohol are termed abstainers, total abstainers, or in a more old fashioned formulation teetotallers. The term current abstainer, often used in population surveys, is usually defined as a person who has not drunk an alcoholic beverage in the preceding 1. The term abstinence should not be confused with abstinence syndrome, an older term for withdrawal syndrome. See also sobriety temperance ISee withdrawal, conditioned. A group of terms in wide use but of varying meaning. In DSM IIIR, psychoactive substance abuse is defined as a maladaptive pattern of use indicated by. It is a residual category, with dependence taking precedence when applicable. The term abuse is sometimes used disapprovingly to refer to any use at all, particularly of illicit drugs. Because of its ambiguity, the term is not used in ICD I0 except in the case of non dependence producing substances see below harmful use and hazardous use are the equivalent terms In WHO usage, although they usually relate only to effects on health and not to social consequences. Abuse is also discouraged by the Office of Substance Abuse Prevention OSAP, now CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention in the USA, although terms such as substance abuse remain in wide use in North America to refer generally to problems of psychoactive substance use. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 3rd ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association,1. In other contexts, abuse has referred to non medical or unsanctioned patterns of use, irrespective of consequences. Thus the definition published in 1. WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence was persistent or sporadic excessive drug use inconsistent with or unrelated to acceptable medical practicesee, misuse drug or alcohol. HO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Sixteenth report. Geneva, World Health Organization ,1. WHO Technical Report Series, No. The propensity of a particular psychoactive substance to be susceptible to abuse, defined in terms of the relative probability that use of the substance will result in social, psychological, or physical problems for an individual or for society. Under international drug control treaties see conventions, international drug WHO is responsible for determining the abuse liability and dependence potential, as distinct from therapeutic usefulness, of controlled substances. See also abuse dependence potential harmful useabuse of non dependence producing substances F5. Defined in ICD I0 as repeated and inappropriate use of a substance which, though the substance has no dependence potential, is accompanied by harmful physical or psychological effects, or involves unnecessary contact with health professionals or both. This category might more appropriately be termed misuse of non psychoactive substances compare misuse, drug or alcohol. In ICD I0, this diagnosis is included within the section Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors F5. O F5. 9. A wide variety of prescription drugs, proprietary over the counter drugs, and herbal and folk remedies may be involved. The particularly important groups are1 psychotropic drugs that do not produce dependence, such as antidepressants and neuroleptics 2 laxatives misuse of which is termed the laxative habit 3 analgesics that may be purchased without medical prescription, such as aspirin acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol acetaminophen 4 steroids and other hormones 5 vitamins and6 Antacids. These substances do not typically have pleasurable psychic effects, yet attempts to discourage or forbid their use are met with resistance. Despite the patients strong motivation to take the substance, neither the dependence syndrome nor the withdrawal syndrome develops. These substances do not have dependence potential in the sense of intrinsic pharmalogical effects, but are capable of inducing psychological dependence. See child of an alcoholicacetaldehyde The principal breakdown product of ethanol. Acetaldehyde is formed by oxidation of ethanol. Acetaldehyde is formed by oxidation of ethanol, the reaction being catalysed principally by alcohol dehydrogenase. It is itself oxidized to acetate by aldehyde dehydrogenase. See also alcohol sensitizing drug disulfiram. See blackout intoxication, pathologicalF1x. See intoxication. Repeated use of a psychoactive substance or substances, to the extent that the user referred to as an addict is periodically or chronically intoxicated, shows a compulsion to take the preferred substance or substances, has great difficulty in voluntarily ceasing or modifying substance use, and exhibits determination to obtain psychoactive substances by almost any means. Typically, tolerance is prominent and a withdrawal syndrome frequently occurs when substance use is interrupted. The life of the addict may be dominated by substance use to the virtual exclusion of all other activities and responsibilities. The term addiction also conveys the sense that such substance use has a detrimental effect on society, as well as on the individual when applied to the use of alcohol, it is equivalent to alcoholism. Addiction is a term of long standing and variable usage. It is regarded by many as a discrete disease entity, a debilitating disorder rooted in the pharmacological effects of the drug, which is remorselessly progressive. From the 1. 92. 0s to the 1. In the 1. 96. 0s the World Health Organization recommended that both terms be abandoned in favour of dependence, which can exist in various degrees of severity. Addiction is not a diagnostic term in ICD 1. See also dependence dependence syndrome. In the USA in the late 1. Bts Click And Drag Game. The term for a practitioner of addiction medicine is addictionist See also narcologist narcology, i. IV, subcutaneous, or intramuscular injection, inhalation, smoking, or absorption through skin or mucosal surfaces, such as the gums, rectum, or genitalia. See also IDU IVDUSee child of an alcoholic. In the general medical and pharmacological fields, denotes a toxic physical or less commonly psychological reaction to a therapeutic agent. The reaction may be predictable, or allergic or idiosyncratic unpredictable. Template Of Template Specialization. In the context of substance use, the term includes unpleasant psychological or physical reactions to drug taking. See also bad trip Alcohol or drug induced changes in affect that persist beyond the period during which a direct effect of the alcohol or drug might reasonably be assumed to be operating. See also psychotic disorder, residual and late onset, alcohol or drug induced. A substance that acts at a neuronal receptor to produce effects similar to those of a reference drug for example, methadone is a morphine like agonist at the opioid receptors. See mutual help group twelve step group. In chemical terminology, alcohols are a large group of organic compounds derived from hydrocarbons and containing one or more hydroxyl OH groups. Ethanol C2. H5. OH, ethyl alcohol is one of this class of compounds, and is the main psychoactive ingredient in alcoholic beverages.