Proposal Letter For Electrical Installation
Village of Oak Lake HOAHighlighted Events. HARVEY FLOODING TOWN HALL MEETING. Monday, December 4th. Oyster Creek Elementary. We encourage residents to attend to discuss flooding issues. There will be representatives from Fort Bend County, MUD 4. Job-Internship-Proposal-Letter1.jpg' alt='Proposal Letter For Electrical Installation' title='Proposal Letter For Electrical Installation' />FBC Sheriffs office. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. This meeting will replace our December Board meeting. Message From the Board. December Message From the Board. ITEM NAME Plumbing Bid Proposal ITEM NUMBER 00458 DOCUMENT SIZE 8. DOCUMENT PAGES 1 DESCRIPTION. GradeBeam Master UCI Code List 000000 Procurement and Contracting Requirements. The VOL HOA Board members invite residents to the townhall meeting on Monday, December 4th at Oyster Creek Elementary at 6 3. We encourage residents to attend as there will be representatives from Fort Bend County, MUD 4. FBC Sheriffs office. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. This meeting will replace the monthly Board meeting for the month of December 2. If your home was affected by the storm and under renovation please contact Sterling and advise of progress. At the time of printing, the county had not provided an update regarding additional debris removal. Unless otherwise specified, the debris removal will be the responsibility of the homeowner. Proposal Letter For Electrical Installation' title='Proposal Letter For Electrical Installation' />Please do not place construction debris on the sidewalks. Contain small debris to heavy duty trash bags. Remember to submit an ACC application when replacing a roof, fencing, painting your home and or any additional modifications to the exterior of the home and property. A reminder that annual assessment fees did not increase for 2. The Building Codes Division BCD provides code development, administration, inspection, plan review, licensing, and permit services to the construction industry. The Transportation Security Administration TSA is proposing to require security training for employees of higherrisk freight railroad carriers, public. MAY2017 ALBERTA Electrical Utility Code Alberta Municipal Affairs announced that a new edition of the Alberta Electrical Utility Code came into effect May 1, 2017. They remain 4. 20 and are due by January 3. We encourage those who need a payment plan to contact Sterling ASI as soon as possible to avoid late fees if payment is not received on time. We are aware our community has room for improvement and we appreciate the feedback from residents and encourage suggestions and participation. Thank you and Happy Holidays from,Laura, Joe, JR, Leo and Walter. Message From the Board. November Message From the Board. The HOA Board had their monthly meeting Monday Oct 9th at the Pool House Room B. We had several homeowners attend the meeting to discuss Harvey flooding their homes. Street flooding has been a persistent problem but during this event, homes were flooded from Ash Point Lane to Noblewood. Not every home but enough to raise serious concerns and demand the attention of our elected officials. In addition to water backing up thru the storm drains, Red Gully came out of its banks. The County in conjunction with MUD 4. December to discuss the findings. Homeowners affected by the flooding have a reprieve from deed restrictions for another 2 months but please contact our association manager to avoid any misunderstandings and please secure damaged fencing. A Harvey get together was held Sunday September 2. The inspiration for this gathering was a frozen slider patty donation received by one of our neighbors, Louie Liendo. Mr. Liendo received this donation for his Hurricane Harvey cooking relief efforts for Texas BBQ. We gave out over 2. This event was one of the best attended events we have put on in a long time. All thanks to efforts of Louie Lori Liendo, Joe Hernandez, Walter Young, JR Garcia and John Paul Garcia. It was great seeing many of our neighbors come out and enjoy the food and the beautiful day. The Board discussed the email expense directives that have occurred since our last Board meeting. The expenses are as follows Mirandas Landscaping force mow property 1. Alpha GTS 3 work orders pool house fixtures, pressure wash playground equipment, remove damaged tennis court windscreens 8. ICS of Houston pool entry gate locking mechanism 1. Taurus Mechanical Pool house AC Service Room A and upstairs 2. Sweetwater Pools 2 work orders, pump room equipment service 3. Classic Sports New Windscreens 1,4. Board meetingThe Board reviewed our Action Item List and we have several projects in the works. We approved irrigation repairs throughout the community, actual costs next month. We are looking for audit proposals from CPAs, proposals for a pool slide and pool house light fixture at the entry gate. During the executive session, we discussed deed restriction violations, attorney reports, architectural log and a home business. We are 9. 7. 4 collected for our 2. Assessments leaving us a remaining uncollected balance of 1. If you wish to get email notices from the Board, please send an email. Sincerely,VOL HOA Board. Message From the Board. October Message From the Board. Dear Neighbors, this last month has been hard on all of us with flooding and recovery efforts within our neighborhood. We have communicated with the County Commissioner and we believe good will come from our suffering. Speaking of good, we sincerely appreciate Louie Liendo, who offered to cook for our neighborhood Sunday Sept 2. At the time that this message went in for publication, the event had not occurred so well have more details next month. We notified the community about the event via emails, the message board and our website. We believe that email is the best form of communication but we do not have everyones emails address. Heavy trash pickup was also communicated in the same fashion but it was clear that not everyone received the message. The Board received the last minute notice from Fort Bend about the heavy trash pickup and the email was sent out and a notification was posted on the website within a couple of hours. Due to the stress on our HOA Board members who flooded, the September Board meeting was cancelled and the cancellation was sent out via email. Lets use these lessons learned to sign up to receive emails because at this time the Board does not use social media. We may reconsider but as volunteers, time is precious. We have so many issues to deal with and adding another log to the fire doesnt seem right when an email will suffice. We understand not everyone has access to email, so maybe a text message would be an alternative that could be used for emergency use only. If you would like to take on this endeavor, please contact the Board. In the meantime, please send us an email to get you on our distribution list. Send request to webmastervolhoa. Our prayers, love and empathy goes out to all those who had to deal with the flood waters. Kind Regards,VOL HOA Board. Message From the Board. September Message From the Board. The HOA Board had their monthly meeting Monday Aug 1. Pool House Room B. We had 5 home owners drop by to discuss various issues. We discussed the damaged landscaping blocks at the SH6 monument, the grass growing over the curb at the Baptist church, fencing along Oyster Creek Elementary and social media. The landscaping blocks were hit by a vehicle and we approved Property Services to restore the flower bed at a cost of 5. We are going to inquire if the contractor working at SH6 is responsible for the damage. Next the Board is going to ask the church to see if they can edge the grass at the curb. If they cannot, the Board will consider adding that to our landscaping contract. Next the Board is going to ask our attorney what the cost would be for drafting a letter asking FBISD to remove trees on their property that are damaging adjacent property fencing. Finally, we had one neighbor stop by to tell the Board, Thank You, thank you all for volunteering your time to serve out community. Board via social media. The Board discussed the email expense directives that have occurred since our last Board meeting. The expenses are as follows Aqua. Dect Plumbers clear main sewer line at pool house at a cost of 2. Solicitations for Energy Efficiency California Energy Commission. RFQ 1. 7 4. 01. Request For Qualifications. Nonresidential Building Science Technical Support. Date Released October 1. Deadline for Written Questions November 3, 2. Deadline to Submit SOQ December 2. RFP 1. 6 4. 06. Request For Proposals. Education Outreach for Benchmarking, Coordination with Workforce Labor, Facilitation of Energy Efficiency Collaborative. Date Released March 9, 2. Deadline for Written Questions March 1. Deadline to Submit Proposal April 1. Notice of Proposed Award Posted April 2. RFQ 1. 6 4. 05. Request For Qualifications. Residential Building Science Technical Support. Date Released January 2. Deadline for Written Questions February 2. Deadline to Submit SOQ March 2. Notice of Selection. Posted July 1. 3, 2. GFO 1. 6 4. 04. Grant Funding Opportunity. Local Government Challenge. Date Released January 6, 2. Deadline to Submit Application March 6. March 2. 7, 2. 01. Revised Notice of Proposed Award Posted April 2. Solicitation Files. PDF, and MS Word and Excel filesAddendum 1, posted February 1. Revises Solicitation Manual, Attachment 7 Project Narrative, Attachment 1. General Terms and Conditions, and Exhibit E, Attachment 6. Solicitation FilesAddendum 2, posted March 2. Revises Solicitation Manual, Changes Application Due Date. Solicitation FilesPre Application Workshop January 1. Windows 7 Iso Home Premium Download more. RFP 1. 6 4. 03. Request For Proposal. HVAC Equipment Installation Compliance Tracking System Business Needs and Functional Requirements. Date Released February 1. Deadline for Written Questions February 2. Deadline to submit proposals is Cancelled Notice of Cancellation Posted March 2. RFP 1. 6 4. 02. Request For Proposal. RFP 1. 6 4. 02 Appliance Efficiency Standards Compliance Market Survey and Gap Analysis. Date Released February 1, 2. Deadline for Written Questions February 7, 2. Deadline to submit proposals is March 1, 2. IFB 1. 6 4. 01. Invitation For Bids. Revenue Bond Accounting Auditing Services Notice of Proposed Award Posted October 1. Date Released August 2. Deadline to Submit Bid September 2. October 7, 2. 01. RFP 1. 5 4. 02. Request For Proposals. Technical Support For Increasing Energy Efficiency In Existing Buildings. Notice of Proposed Award Posted May 1. Date Released March 1. Deadline to Submit Proposals April 1. April 2. 5May 2. May 5, 2. RFP 1. 4 4. 05. Request For Proposals. Financial Advisor for the Bond Program. Notice of Proposed Award Posted August 3, 2. Date Released June 3, 2. Deadline to Submit Proposals June 2. IFB 1. 4 4. 04. Invitation For Bids. Rebate Arbitrage Compliance Services Notice of Proposed Award Posted May 1. Date Released April 2. Deadline to Submit Bid May 4, 2. IFB 1. 4 4. 03. Invitation For Bids. Rebate Arbitrage Compliance Services Date Released February 1. Deadline to Submit Bid March 3, 2. Notice of No Award Posted March 1. RFQ 1. 4 4. 02. Request For Qualifications. Residential Building Science Technical Support. Date Released January 1. Deadline to submit SOQ March 1. Notice of Proposed Award Posted October 2, 2. Notice of Selection. Updated July 2. 4, 2. Pre Bid Conference. February 5, 2. 01. RFQ 1. 4 4. 01. Request for Qualifications. Nonresidential Building Science Technical Support. Date Released January 1. Deadline to submit SOQ March 1. Shirdi Sai Baba Hindi Mp3 Song Download there. Notice of Proposed Award Posted October 2, 2. Notice of Selection. Posted August 1. 1, 2. Request For Qualifications RFQ 1. Bright Schools Clean Energy Jobs Act Technical Assistance Program. Date Released June 2. Deadline to submit Statement of Qualifications SOQ August 7, 2. August 1. 2, 2. 01. PMNotice of Proposed Award Posted October 9, 2. Notice of Selection. Posted September 2, 2. Solicitation Files. PDF, MS Word and Excel filesAddendum 1 Cover Letter, posted 72. Revises Solicitation Manual see Solicitation FilesDate to Distribute QuestionsAnswers is changed to July 3. Deadline to Submit SOQ is changed to August 1. Addendum 2 Cover Letter, posted 73. Revises Solicitation Manual see Solicitation FilesAddendum 3 Cover Letter, posted 841. Adds question 4. Questions and Answers document see Solicitation FilesQuestions and Answers, Posted July 3. Pre Bid Conference. July 1. 7, 2. 01. Energy Efficiency Financing. Released May 2, 2. Application Due Date Ongoing, funds are limited. Loans for Energy Efficiency and Energy Generation Projects PON 1. Loans for Energy Efficiency and Energy Generation Projects PON 1. Contact information is contained within each solicitation.